New standards check vs part 3 test

Points in favour of the standards check replacing the part 3 test

  • Training versus testing
  • Skills versus subject
  • Individual responsibility and CCL

Training versus testing

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) are responsible for setting and maintaining the standards of all drivers and driver trainers through testing, but has no responsibility for the training of drivers or trainers. Anyone who applies to become a driving instructor can do so without ever undertaking any professional training. However, it would be very difficult to succeed at passing all three parts of the Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) examination process without any professional training.

The three part qualifying examination to become a driving instructor is an assessment of knowledge, skill and understanding of the National Driver and Rider Training Standards. These are the standards set by the DVSA for which the Potential Driving Instructor (PDI) is tested against.

Therefore it's vitally important that the Potential Driving Instructor (PDI) focuses on the National Driver and Rider Training Standards whether taking professional training or training alone.

Skills versus subject

The current part 3 training focuses on preparing the Potential Driving Instructor (PDI) for the part 3 test. This training is usually done over forty hours with the focus mainly being on the 10 pre-set tests (PSTs) phase 1 and phase 2 subjects. Training is often only given on how to give subject briefings, intructions, Q&A technique and the core competencies.

The new standards check will test three main competencies; Lessons Planning, Risk Management, Teaching and Learning Strategies. These three main competencies are broken down into seventeen sub competencies. This means the Potential Driving Instructor (PDI) will need a better understanding of the National Driver and Rider Training Standards and Client Centred Learning (CCL).

With the new standards check test, trying to master the subjects and the core competencies is irrelevant. The Potential Driving Instructor (PDI) will be able prepare for a subject that they are most familiar with and on a route they know, but they will be tested against the seventeen competencies of the new standards check and not just the subject and the core competencies.

Individual responsibility and CCL

Coaching and client centred learning (CCL) is about building self-responsibility and raising self-awareness. The Potential Driving Instructor (PDI) must take ownership of their individual development needs in becoming a driving instructor. Once they qualify and become an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) they are more likely to recognise the importance of client centred learning (CCL) when it comes to teaching people to drive. Client centred learning (CCL) will also help new drivers to become safe drivers, but this starts with the Potential Driving Instructor (PDI) and Approved Driving Instructor (ADI).

Points against the standards check replacing the part 3 test

  • The test being easier
  • Poorly trained ADIs
  • ORDIT becoming pointless
  • Cheap driving lessons
  • Poorly trained drivers

The test being easier

Many current Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs) feel that the new part 3 test will be easier due to the Potential Driving Instructor (PDI) being able to choose the pupil, subject and route. Also, the examiner role-play and phases will be removed in the new part 3 test.

The new part 3 test will allow for mastery of a single subject and the competencies, rather than having to learn all subjects.

Poorly trained ADIs

The market may become flooded with poorly trained Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs) due to the test being easier to pass.

ORDIT becoming pointless

If the new part 3 test is easy to pass, then the purpose of the Official Register of Driving Instructor Trainers (ORDIT) will become pointless. Potential Driving Instructors (PDIs) will not feel the need to take up professional training from an experience ORDIT trainer and learn the whole syllabus, and will most likely turn to cheap training offered by those not on the ORDIT register who will most likely do it cheaply and focus purely on passing the part 3 test.

Cheap driving lessons

Poorly trained Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs) will result in cheap poor quality driving lessons as everyone competes for pupils and struggles to earn a living.

Poorly trained drivers

An increase in poorly trained Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs) will result in an increase of poorly trained drivers sitting the driving test. The safety of examiners during driving tests will be affected. Driving test failures and re-tests may sky rocket making it even more difficult to get a driving test booked.