ORDIT Terms and Conditions


‘ADI’ is an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI).

‘Inspector’ is a person accredited to carry out inspections of trainers and organisations in accordance with agreed ORDIT inspection guidelines and standards.

‘Organisation’ is the individual or corporate body, which must be a recognised legal entity, e.g.sole trader, partnership, limited or public limited companywith a named principal, to which ORDIT membership is granted, subject to theseTerms and Conditions being satisfied and adhered to.

‘Premises’ are the places from which training is provided and/or training records are maintained by the organisation and where correspondence can be addressed to by clients or other interested parties.

‘Principal’ is the named senior person, authorised by the Organisation, responsible for ensuring that the terms and conditions of ORDIT Membership are adhered to.

‘Register’ and ‘ORDIT' shall mean the Official Register of Driving Instructor Training.

'Trainee’ is a person undergoing initial ADI training or who is on the ADI Register and is seeking further development.

‘Trainer’ is an individual who gives instructor training for one or more parts of the ADI qualifying examination, or preparation and remedial work relating to a Standards check, on behalf of the organisation whether directly or indirectly employed, franchised or contracted.

‘Registrar’ is the Registrar of Approved Driving Instructors.


The aim of the ORDIT scheme is to:

  • raise the standard of ADI training ensuring the Trainee is preparing in line with National Driver and Rider Standards
  • maintainand promote the current register (and work towards a compulsory register) of driving instructor training organisations and driving instructor trainers
  • provide a scheme that promotes best practice and can be relied upon by the public, the driver training industry and the accrediting body
  • provide high quality training from organisations that have agreed to abide by the Terms and Conditions of the scheme

The main objectives of the ORDIT scheme are to ensure that:

  • high quality training is available for members of the public wishing to qualify as an ADI
  • high quality training is available for ADI’s who wish to receive further training, retraining or development
  • all trainers delivering training under the scheme have been assessed by the accrediting body and accepted as being suitable for entry onto the Register
  • any person seeking training with an organisation or individual whose details are entered in the Register should be protected from unfair business practices and inferior training
  • those organisations, premises and trainers that are entered onto the ORDIT register will be promoted through the ORDIT list available online at GOV.UK and FYN (Find Your Nearest instructor information)
  • the accrediting body and ADI consultative organisations will only promote those organisations, premises and individual trainers entered on the Register
  • only those organisations, premises and trainers entered onto the Register are entitled to display ORDIT badges
  • any course offered by ORDIT members shall be comprehensive and cover all aspects of driver training to enable a trainee to pass the ADI qualifying examinations or to further develop their instructional skills


All advertising shall:

  • fully comply with the best practice, as defined by current codes of practice issued by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)
  • be legal, decent, honest truthful and prepared with a sense of responsibility to both trainees and competitors as well as respecting the principles of fair-trading and competition

Any claim made in advertising shall be able to be substantiated objectively by documentary evidence, which shall be made available for inspection upon request.

The full terms of any guarantee shall be given in writing before any training course agreement is signed.

The ADI Registrar has the power to review and/or remove any member or organisation from the ORDIT Register:

  • Who has been convicted of any trading standards or fair trading offence.
  • Who has had an adjudication made against them by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
  • Habitually presents a sub-standard PDI for one of the ADI qualifying examinations.

The ADI Registrar can demand timely changes to the advertising of any organisation or trainer following ASA, Office of Fair Trading (OFT) or Trading Standards rulings with the ultimate sanction of exclusion from the register.

The ADI Registrar can demand timely changes to the advertising of any organisation or trainer in the case of it not being covered by any regulatory body.

The ADI Registrar can make a complaint about a member’s advertising (in whatever form) to the appropriate regulatory body if in his opinion such material does not satisfy the required standard. As an alternative to such a complaint being raised,the member may elect to immediately remove the offending material and thus potentially avoid such action being taken.



To join or remain on the Register, organisations must have all instructor trainers accompanied by a DVSA ORDIT inspector delivering an instructional training session. This can be inpreparation for the Part 3 test or a remedial Standards Check session.

ORDIT training can only be provided by certified ADI’s who have achieved a grade A on their current Standards Check and have successfully completed an ORDIT inspection.

ORDIT trainers must ensure a PDI is ‘fit and proper’ before entering into a contract of any description and no money should be taken before this check has been carried out. If in the opinion of the ORDIT trainer the PDI is unsuitable, they should be told at the earliest opportunity.

All PDI’s must be made aware of the requirements of the qualifying process.

ORDIT trainers will be responsible and held accountable for the overall quality of any trainee presented for ADI qualifying examinations and Standards checks. ORDIT trainer PRN will be captured for all qualifying examinations and in the case of a Part 3 the workbook will be assessed.

ORDIT Establishment Principle must notify DVSA when a trainer moves onto a new organisation or resigns. In addition, when a new trainer is acquired from another ORDIT establishment.

Driver development training may be observed at the discretion of the Registrar; this will be intelligence led.

Training records including trainee licence ADI21T must be available for inspection at any time. They will be viewed at every formal inspection but may also be required on an ad-hoc basis between instructional inspections at the discretion of the Registrar.

Failure to attend for inspection could result in the trainer / organisation being removed from the Register and subsequent fee lost.

Organisations must abide by these Terms and Conditions of membership as stated in this document.

ORDIT registration will be in-line with the ADI register and last for a 4-year period.

Training must be properly structured to prepare trainees for giving driving instruction or develop an ADI’s instructional ability in line with the skills, knowledge and understanding defined in the National Standard for driver and rider training.

Organisations must apply for re-inspection of eachtrainer (who is jointly responsible) at least three months prior to the expiry of their ORDIT registration periods. The organisations trainers’ names will be recorded beside the premises at which they mainly work.

Organisations and premises

Organisations must have a specified business address where training records are kept and a contact point, which will be made available for anyone with a legitimate complaint. PO Box addresses are not acceptable for use in the register but can be used as a trading address on letters etc.

Organisations must offer training for all three parts of the ADI qualifying examination, Standards check preparation and remedial support.

Organisations must ensure that trainees meet the ‘fit and proper’ criteria before accepting them for an ADI training course. They must evidence the letter from DVSA confirming this requirement before allowing a trainee to sign up to any financial commitment.

Trainers may operate from more than one premises.

Inspections will be conducted from local Driving Test Centres as per official booking procedures.

The ORDIT trainer must give three working days’ notice if they are unable to attend a booked inspection or the fee will be forfeited.

Course programme and trainee instructor records

The organisation must be able to demonstrate that the course and training provided, including for each part of the ADI qualifying examination, are aligned to DVSA National Standards.

In particular, all the principles of structured training should be adhered to and evidenced from the training records. Information to support this will be required during ORDIT inspections.

On an inspection, initial interview and assessment records may also be inspected.

Trainee licence records may be inspected.

Trainee records will form part of the overall assessment. They can be either hard copy or electronic, however they should include:

  • Name of ORDIT trainer and their personal reference number (PRN)
  • Name of organisation
  • Name of trainee
  • Date, time, location and duration of a training session
  • Subject matter
  • Trainer appraisal of the session. Strengths / weaknesses etc
  • Trainer reflection on their own performance
  • Trainee feedback / reflection on the session

Minimum trainer qualifications

The minimum qualification required by a trainer applying for an ORDIT inspection is to have achieved a Grade A on their previous Standards check or ORDIT inspection.

Recognised teaching qualifications can be evidenced (PAL,Prior accredited Learning).

An ADI who is ORDIT registered and fails to achieve a Grade A will be permitted one further ORDIT inspection attempt. During this period, they will remain on the ORDIT Register.

Following a second unsuccessful ORDIT inspection, the ADI Registrar may require the ADI to attend for a further check of their instructional ability. If a third attempt is required, it will be a Standards Check and not an ORDIT Inspection.

ADI’s/ORDIT trainers are not permitted to act as a pupil for the purposes of a Standards Check. PDI’s who have passed the ADI Part 2 are also barred.

If the trainer fails to achieve a Grade A on the subsequent Standards check or second ORDIT inspection their name will be removed from the ORDIT Register immediately.

Trainers should have a personal record of achievement, which could include;

  • Development received
  • Date of training
  • What the training consisted of
  • Training session content
  • A reflective log

The principle should have records of internal quality control. A record for each trainer is required documenting the following;

  • Name PRN of trainer
  • Date of supervision
  • Session observed i.e.Instructional or driving etc
  • Performance strengths and weaknesses
  • Trainer signature and reflection

Criteria for Part 1 (ADI theory) training

Organisations will be asked to specify on their ORDIT application how ADI theory training is carried out, e.g.distance learning and to nominate which trainers are responsible for delivering the training.

Classroom training

Trainers who have been inspected for the ADI Part 3 examination can deliver theory test preparation.

Distance learning

Trainers / Organisations must keep records of trainee theory development, including mock examinations etc.

Training for the theory test is acceptable in either classroom or distance learning format or a combination of both. When distance learning is used, the organisation must have a system for monitoring trainee instructors’ progress and providing support and feedback. Just providing trainees with a copy of the theory test databank or other similar mock exam questions and the standard reference books will not be considered adequate.

The training for the ADI theory test should be properly structured with clearly defined aims and objectives. The training programme should cover a suitable syllabus for the ADI theory test including the NDRTS. The progress of each trainee instructor should be monitored and recorded for the benefit of the trainee and the trainer. Each trainee’s ADI theory test result should also be recorded.

Inspectors may require, in advance of the formal inspection,to see:

  • the ADI theory distance learning materials (if any)
  • details of the ADI theorytraining course including any progress monitoring system

The inspector may want to review the distance learning material with the trainer responsible for ADI theory training within that premises or organisation.

Criteria for Part 2 (driving ability) training

Each trainer who passes an ORDIT Part 3 inspection will be listed in the register as qualified to deliver Part 2 training. The trainers’ name will appear in the Register under the name of the organisation and/ or the premises that they primarily work from.

The training for the second part of the ADI qualifying examination should be properly structured with clearly defined goals linked to DVSA National Standardfor driving cars and light vans. The training programme should be designed to meet the specific goals and needs of the trainee and to identify and eliminate any driving faults of the trainee instructor. This should be delivered with a client centred approach. The progress of each trainee instructor should be carefully monitored and formally recorded for the benefit of the trainee and the trainer alike.

The inspector may require viewing the details of the Part 2 course, including any progress monitoring system. In this way, the inspector can view each individual trainer’s performance in the context of the training programme as a whole.

Criteria for Part 3 (instructional ability) training

All trainers wishing to deliver Part 3 training must be ORDIT qualified. Trainers successfully ORDIT inspected for Part 3 will automatically be qualified to deliver Part 2 training.

Each trainer who passes an ORDIT Part 3 inspection will be listed in the Register as qualified to deliver Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 training. The trainers’ name will appear in the register under the name of the organisation and / or the premises that they primarily work from.

The training for Part 3 should be properly structured and aligned with DVSA National Standardfor driver and rider training. Goals should be agreed appropriate to the individual ability of the trainee with learning outcomes defined and discussed.

The training programme should cover all aspects of DVSA National Standards, including the car and light van-driving syllabus. It should ensure a full knowledge and understanding of client centred learning including the elements, competencies and higher competencies outlined on DVSA forms ADI26/SC and SC1.

A dual-controlled training car must be available to the trainee. The trainer should develop the trainee on how to correctly use the dual controls.

The progress of each trainee instructor should be carefully monitored and formally recorded for the benefit of the trainee and the trainer alike. A copy must be given to the trainee. Each trainee’s Part 3 exam result should also be recorded regardless of the result. Patterns and traits must be analysed.

The inspector may require, in advance of the formal inspection of the individual premises or the organisation, to see:

  • The Part 1 distance learning materials (if any)
  • Details of the Part 3 course including any progress monitoring system, including trainee logbook.
  • Trainee licence records may also be inspected along with any additional training documents such as the ADI21AT.

In this way, the inspector can view each individual Part 3 trainer’s performance in the context of the training programme as a whole.

If part of a larger organisation, trainer development and quality control also form an important part of the record keeping process.

  • ORDIT trainer should make every attempt to accompany their PDI on all qualifying examinations but especially Part 3. Ensure the PDI attends for test with the necessary identification, logbook and ORDIT trainer details.
  • ORDIT trainer should listen to the ADI Part 3 debrief.
  • ORDIT badge to be displayed for PRN capture.

Training the ORDIT Trainer

Equipping the new ORDIT trainer with the tools and skills as per role 6 of the NDRTS.

In-car training ratios

During a training session for Part 2 or Part 3, no more than two trainees to one trainer are permitted in the car.

First inspection and entry onto the ORDIT register

Before an organisation and its trainers can be placed on the Register, the following must be satisfied:

  • Organisations (5 or more trainers) must demonstrate to the accrediting body that the course training programme, assessment system and general training records are sufficient to professionally train someone to pass all parts of the ADI qualifying examination as part of any premises inspection including Standards Check remedial.
  • Each premises used for training purposes that the organisation requires to be listed on the Register, must be properly equipped with training resources and classroom facilities, toilet facilities and meet appropriate Health and Safety regulations. PO Box numbers are not acceptable.
  • Organisations applying to join the Register must have premises available from which to offer training and all trainers must be ORDIT qualified for Part 3 if delivering instructor training.
  • If an organisation fails in its attempt to join the Register it may reapply as soon as the reasons for the failure have been rectified.
  • The Principal of the organisation must ensure a copy of this document signifying their acceptance of these Terms and Conditions is signed by every trainer.
  • The Principal will be accountable for maintaining trainer and trainee development records.
  • The principal will be responsible for the quality assurance of training. Records of supervised training sessions maybe requested.

Re-inspection and retention of ORDIT membership

To maintain ORDIT membership the organisation must ensure trainers pass a full inspection when required to do so. Inspections must be applied for at least three months before the expiration of the previous registration period.

Trainer inspections

The organisation must ensure:

  • Trainers are re-inspected when required by the regulating body.
  • That any trainer who fails their first inspection attempt applies for asecond inspection within 28 days of being notified of the first inspection result.
  • That any trainer who fails their second inspection will be required to attend for a Standards Check should the Registrar require them to do so.

Any trainer who fails a second attempt will no longer be ORDIT qualified to give training and will have their name removed from the Register.

Any trainer who fails a second inspection cannot apply for another inspection until they have achieved a grade A on their next Standards Check.

Trainers moving between ORDIT registered organisations

ORDIT qualified trainers may move between ORDIT registered organisations, providing the registration of both is current.

Responsibility lies with both the organisation and the trainer leaving to inform the ORDIT secretariat of such circumstances within 28 days of the event.

If an ORDIT trainer wishes to leave an ORDIT organisation to set up their own organisation, then they must follow the laid down procedures. They may not necessarily need an additional inspection, provided their ORDIT registration expiry date had not been exceeded.

Number of Part 3 ORDIT qualified trainers

If the organisation has more than five ORDIT trainers, it will be classed as an Establishment.

Failure to comply with scheme:

If an organisation or trainer fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions of membership and Codes of Practice, the ADI Registrar, after considering representations as appropriate, may remove or suspend an organisation, its premises or a trainer from the register.

Appeals against a decision of the Registrar to take action against an establishment will need to be made within 28 days of the written confirmation of the decision being issued. Such appeals should be made to the ADI Registrar who will deal with such appeals by means of written correspondence only. The Chief Driving Examiner will have the power to either overturn or accept the decision of the Registrar or to alter any time limits that have been imposed.

Consumer information

Consumers should be able to make a more informed choice when they choose an ADI trainer. The ORDIT Register will display the name, email, telephone number and postcode to a trainee looking for driver training. It will also display the type of training delivered, whether a trainer has agreed to abide by the voluntary ADI code of practice and that they have committed to doing at least 7 hours of continuous professional development (CPD) each year.

ORDIT trainers will be expected to allow DVSA to publish their performance data.

A voluntary earned recognition scheme for ORDIT trainers would be established using a combination of management information and trainer behaviour intelligence. This may include the removal of the need to attend for a Standards Check.

Publishing such information on FYN (Find your nearest) will help a trainer market their business more effectively to potential customers and allow customers to make a more informed choice before starting their learning process.

Personal conduct

ORDIT trainers will be professional, comply with the law, keep trainees safe and treat them with respect.

The trainer should agree to:

  • At all times behave in a professional manner towards trainees in line with the standards in the National Standard for Driver and Rider Training
  • At all times comply with legislative requirements including:
    • the protection of personal freedoms, the prevention of discrimination based on age, disability, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation
    • not using mobile devices when driving or supervising trainee’s driving and only when parked in a safe and legal place
    • demonstrating a high standard of driving and instructional ability upholding safety standards including showing consideration for all other road users particularly pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders
    • consumer, workplace and data protection regulations, the handling, storing, use and dissemination of video or audio recordings made in or around their classroom or tuition vehicle
  • Avoid inappropriate physical contact with trainees
  • Avoid the use of inappropriate language with trainees
  • Not initiate inappropriate discussions about their own personal relationships and take care to avoid becoming involved in a trainee’s personal affairs or discussions about a trainee’s personal relationships, unless safeguarding concerns are raised
  • Avoid circumstances and situations which are or could be perceived to be of an inappropriate nature
  • Respect trainee confidentiality whilst understanding the actions to take if a trainee reveals concerns about their private lives
  • Treat trainees with respect and consideration and support them to achieve their learning outcomes in the National Standards as efficiently and effectively as possible
  • Ensure that their knowledge and skills on all matters relating to the provision of driver training comply with current practice and legislative requirements
  • Use social network sites responsibly and professionally:
    • Ensuring that trainees personal information is not compromised
    • Ensuring that when using social media for marketing purposes,that what is written is compliant with privacy and data protection legislation pertaining to digital communications, the laws regarding spam, copyright and other online issues
    • Treating other users of social media including trainees, colleagues and their views with respect
    • Be careful not to defame the reputation of colleagues, DVSA, driving examiners or the ADI Register
    • Not distribute, circulate or publish footage taken of ADI tests from in-car cameras, without permission from DVSA and the trainee


Before trainee(s) are required to sign any document or make any payment an organisation shall:

  • Provide a full copy of their training course contract or agreement and any other associated Terms and Conditions
  • Give an opportunity for trainee(s) to study them away from the premises and seek independent advice, if so desired

Organisations shall have a refund policy that covers:

  • Circumstances where a trainee cannot continue with the course at the time or at any reasonable time in the future on serious medical grounds confirmed in writing by a doctor that prevents them from being able to drive or instruct.
  • The event of the trainee failing three attempts at Part 2 of the ADI examination providing that each exam was taken in good faith by the trainee and provided any free remedial training offered by the organisation prior to the failed attempts is taken.
  • The event of the trainee being refused their application for registration by the accrediting body provided the trainee had not deliberately withheld or falsely stated any relevant information as part of their application to attend the course and provided it was not as the result of any event or incident following commencement of the training course.

The refund policy is limited to the savings that an organisation would make by not having to deliver the remainder of the training course in accordance with the guidance on refunds provided by the course contract or agreement.

The policy must provide an automatic and prompt refund to the trainee for any ADI examination, trainee license or registration fees paid to the organisation whether identified separately or inclusively in the overall training course fee.

The trainee’s entitlement to this money, at any time upon their written request, should be clearly stated in the course contract or agreement. If the fees are paid on behalf of the trainee by the organisation, it will be deemed that these fees have been collected as part of the fee for the training and are subject to the terms of this clause.


Trainers/Establishments will deal with promptly with any complaints received and aim for speedy resolution of any grievances.

The trainer agrees that:

  • Complaints by trainees should be made in the first instance to the trainer or organisation following the training provider’s complaints procedure
  • If, having completed the procedure, the client has been unable to reach an agreement or settle a dispute further guidance may be sought
  • If a trainee believes that their trainer is not providing a satisfactory business service they can contact their local Citizens Advice Bureau for guidance
  • If trainees are unhappy with their trainers professional service, the trainee can contact the ADI Registrar by emailing [email protected]


I, as an authorised signatory for the organisation, confirm that we will abide by the above Terms and Conditions of ORDIT membership and any notified changes to those Terms and Conditions provided:

  • Such changes are only made after proper consultation with the members of ORDIT.
  • Sufficient time to implement such changes is allowed.

By applying to be entered onto the ORDIT register, confirms that you have agreed to the above.

If the organisation or one of its trainers fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions of membership, they may be removed or suspended from the Register following a full and proper investigation by the Registrar. The organisation will be given an opportunity to put its own view in writing and to attend any such hearing.