Standards Check Test Training

We know how you feel!

Your standards check test is looming and you're dreading that brown envelope with the standards check test invitation letter inside. You didn't get that grade A that you were dreaming of when you passed your part 3 test or your last standards check test.

Does this sounds like you? If so, look no further. DoDrive® can put you on the right route, give you the directions that you're looking for, and get you into top gear; before you know it, you'll be cruising your way through the standards check test with confidence!

Why train with DoDrive?

When you're preparing for your standards check test, you need to get the best standards check test training available. Our DVSA ORDIT Team have decades of experience in the driver training industry and have helped many ADIs just like you to pass the standards check test and get a higher grade.

Give us a call today on 01932 808 312 to arrange a friendly informal chat with one of our experienced DVSA ORDIT Trainers. They'll be more than happy to discuss your learning goals and needs, and how best to move forward with your training and preparation for the Standards Check Test.